Choosing Configuration Files
There are certain compulsory configuration files that must be chosen when creating a Helix QAC project. These are:
- at least one CCT (Compiler Compatibility Template)
- one ACF (Analysis Configuration File)
- one RCF (Rule Configuration File).
Helix QAC is shipped with support for numerous compilers. Choose one that is an exact match for the compiler with which you compile your source code. If you use both a C and C++ compiler to build your sources, choose a CCT for each one that matches your compilers. If you do not see a match for your compiler(s) in the provided list, please contact support.
Alternatively, for some supported compilers, you can choose to generate the CCT based on your compiler and key compiler options. In this case, when first creating a project, select the CCT with a compiler name of "AutoGen". This is a place holder CCT which can not be used for analysis. It is replaced with a generated CCT when the associated synchronization method is used.
Leave the default choices for the ACF and RCF for now. The ACF specifies a toolchain of analysis components for each source language and the RCF specifies coding standard rules and the messages that enforce each rule.
If you are using QA·Visual Studio, default configuration files will be chosen when your project is created. You can add, change and/or edit these configurations after project creation if you wish, through the Helix QAC Project Properties panel.